Sunday 12 August 2012

Archived Post 2012 - Dear Kate

Dear Kate,

There is not very much to say, I could take last months letter and simply repeat it because you are continuing to both drive me crazy and make me fall head over heels in love with you at the same time. The falling in  love you with you part is a really good thing because when I have discovered some of your antics lately I have had an intense desire to hang you upside down from the moon, luckily for both of us I can not reach the moon.

This past month we went on vacation to the beach and had a fantastic time.  You had never been to the ocean and you were terrified that crabs were going to eat your toes,  neither of your brothers were very helpful as I tried to convince you it would be fine. You swam, surfed and built sand castles like a pro, it was a great week.

We also just came back four days with some of my friends and I was so impressed at how well you handled yourself. You had some stellar moments but all in all in you made great choices and really enjoyed having the chance to play with some other kids your age for hours on end. You also showed me that you have the fabulous ability to be really sensitive to the needs of other kids... maybe we can work on getting you to do that with your brothers.

It's only been 5 months but I can't imagine our life without you.


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