Randall and I were at therapy yesterday, his therapist who is a skilled man challenged Randall to do something he did not really want to do. Randall begrudgingly did it, he was annoyed about doing it, then he was triggered, got mad and burst into tears. His therapist talked him through it or at least he tried to. It was sort of hard because Randall was busy scratching the work JERK into the skin on his arms and legs (with a freshly bitten finger nail) and then proudly showing off his handiwork. We ignored him and ended the session. When we were alone in the car I asked him why he did it and he didn't really have an answer.
It was interesting to me as he has never done anything like that before. I am not sure if it is the therapist or issue or just the kind of day he was having but it was a interesting reaction none the less. He has not mentioned it again and we will go back next week. This therapist is new to him but he is skilled so it will be interesting to see what happens next.
The fallout from therapy continued through out the afternoon while we were out with friends and ended when he completely ignored what I said about all 4 kids staying together on a bike ride and rode off alone in a strange neighbourhood witha 6 year old in tow on foot who he then left behind. My head just about exploded when I found out. As a result of his choices he spending the morning sitting near me, not so near that I have to listen to him chatter but near enough that he can be seen by me as I attempt to get some work done. I get so frustrated when his defiance puts himself or other people at risk. It is not just ignoring me, it is a safety issue and so very frustrating.
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